Minister of Tourism and Recreation
Mr. Mame Mbaye Kan NIANG

The Head of State, His Excellency, Mr. Macky SALL, President of the Republic, in his project of economic and social development of Senegal has put tourism at the heart of the economic growth strategy defined in the framework of the Emerging Senegal Plan.
Among the 27 priority projects and reforms of the Plan, tourism occupies a prominent place through two major projects, namely the Development of Integrated Tourism Zones and Micro-tourism.
To materialize this desire, the President of the Republic has paired tourism and leisure as a means of reviving tourism in the context of post-Covid-19 economic recovery and preparation of the third phase of the Priority Action Plan (PAP III).
It is true that the sector has gone through particularly difficult times in recent years, but the resilience and recovery measures taken by the Government have enabled the situation to be rectified and a more optimistic outlook to be established in order to achieve the objectives set. The aim is to position Senegal in the top 5 of African destinations and to reach 10 million tourists by 2035.
These measures, which mark the boldness, determination and commitment of the Head of State alongside all actors in the tourism value chain, will be continued.
Thus, the revival of investment will be a fundamental axis through the development of identified tourist sites (Pointe Sarène, Mbodiène, Kafountine, Abéné, the Saloum Delta, and Tambacounda…) and the requalification of sites such as Saly and Cap-Skiring).
The relevance of investment financing instruments through the Hotel and Tourism Credit in relation with its partners from financial and banking institutions (BNDE, FONGIP) should be noted.
In addition, the promotion will be supported by a marketing strategy of the Senegalese Destination which will emphasize the communication, especially digital and quality in order to strengthen on the one hand the visibility of the tourist offer in all its diversity, and on the other hand to contribute to the notoriety of the Destination.
Thus, this portal is designed to serve as an information platform for broad public sharing of news in the sector, missions and organization of the Ministry.
Thus, I invite all the actors, united, to put all our energy for the achievement of the objectives pursued, such as registered in the Emergent Senegal Plan.

Ministerial Sphere 2 - Building C Diamniadio BP : 4049 - Dakar, SENEGAL