1. Mission of the Head of Department
In the Dakar Region, the Head of the Regional Tourism Service, under the authority of the Governor, sees to the expression of all kinds of tourist activities and to the development of tourist propaganda.
His duties include:
- to contribute to the dissemination and execution of the instructions of the Minister of Tourism;
- to ensure the liaison between the latter and the professionals of tourism;
- to gather for the Minister of Tourism, all useful information on questions or projects of tourist interest;
- to sit in all regional or departmental bodies and commissions in which the regulations in force provide for the presence of a representative of the Minister in charge of Tourism;
- to submit to the Governor, for transmission to the Ministry of Tourism, proposals for the distribution of subsidies of any kind granted to the various regional or local associations (Tourist Offices, Tourism Associations, etc.);
- to investigate the complaints presented to them by tourists;
- to ensure the quality of the product and the service by technical control visits;
- to issue, if necessary, an opinion on the administrative sanctions which, in accordance with the regulations in force, could be taken against classified or approved tourist companies;
- to tarnish a file of hotels or restaurants;
- to collect the statistics of the Sector;
- to examine the files of request for authorization of opening to the exploitation of tourist receptive before transmitting them with opinion to the Ministry of Tourism;
- to study and propose new tourist products based on cultural heritage;
- to prepare, in liaison with the competent departmental services, the programs of collective equipment of tourist interest and to examine the projects relating to these equipments before their transmission to the Ministry of Tourism;
2. Contacts of the SRT of DAKAR
Dakar Regional Tourism Service
40, Avenue Malick Sy X Street 12
2nd and3rd floor of the “Linguère” Residence building (opposite the former Empire cinema)
Tel/Fax: 33 821 43 85
BP. 7038 Dakar – Email : serviceregionaltourisme@gmail.com