The Tourism and Business Development Project (PDTE) was developed by the Government of Senegal with the aim of providing sustainable responses to the competitiveness problems of the Senegalese economy.
The ETDP aims to alleviate the financing difficulties faced by exporting companies, enhance the attractiveness of the tourism sector and improve the local business environment.
I/ Project objective and components :
a. Project objective
The overall objective of the ETDP is to create the conditions necessary to increase private investment in the tourism sector in the Saly area and to strengthen the development of private enterprises in Senegal.
b. Project components and activities
The ETDP is structured around the following three components:
- Component 1: Sustainable development of tourist destinations ;
- Component 2: Support for the creation and growth of businesses ;
- Component 3: Project Management.
1. Component 1: Sustainable development of tourist destinations :
This component is structured into two sub-components:
a. Sub-component 1 “Repositioning and strengthening of Senegal as a destination” which aims to help Senegal re-establish its competitive position and develop a diversified tourism industry contributing to economic and social development and poverty reduction.
It will be executed by the Ministry of Tourism (MT) through the implementation of marketing and promotion activities for the sub-sector, the development of markets and the tourism offer, and finally, capacity building for institutions and actors in the sub-sector;
b. Sub-component 2 “Renovation of the beaches of Saly” which aims to counteract beach erosion and restore the attractiveness of the tourist site of Saly.
It will be carried out by APIX (delegated project owner) in relation with the MT (project owner) through the physical renovation of beaches and infrastructures to fight against coastal erosion, the design and implementation of an operating system for the management and maintenance of the infrastructures and the reinforcement of the integrated coastal zone management mechanism.
2. Component 2: Support for business creation and growth :
This component is structured into three sub-components:
Sub-component 2.1 “Shared Cost Fund
which finances export development services for Senegalese private enterprises through a co-financing system based on risk sharing: the enterprises contribute 50% and the associations 70% against 50% or 30% by the project. It will be executed by the Agency for the Development and Management of Small and Medium Enterprises (ADEPME) which will be supported by a project team of international and national experts with proven expertise and experience in export development services;
Sub-component 2.2 “Business Plan Competition
which funds the organization of a business plan competition (BPC) aimed at helping entrepreneurs launch new concepts with export potential and the awarding of one-time grants to winners. It will also be carried out by ADEPME which will rely on a project team of national experts with proven skills and experience in entrepreneurship development support services;
Sub-component 2.3 “Improvement of the local business environment
It will be executed by APIX through the implementation of the following activities:
- studies aimed at setting up regional APIX offices (Saly, Saint-Louis and Ziguinchor) capable of offering services adapted to their geographical area and their missions;
- Strengthening the capacities of APIX and institutions involved in improving the business environment in order to provide them with the necessary skills to carry out their missions;
- the purchase of necessary computer equipment and the computerization of the three regional offices so that they can be connected to the APIX General Management;
- the computerization of the OHADA Trade and Personal Property Credit Register (RCCM) of all regional one-stop shops.
3. Component 3: Project Management:
This component will finance activities related to coordination, supervision, financial and accounting management, communication, procurement, financial audits and monitoring and evaluation of the Project.
The total cost of the project is estimated at 74 million USD financed by an IDA credit. The following table provides a breakdown of the project cost by component and sub-component.
In addition to this IDA funding, the Government of Senegal has provided a US$5 million counterpart fund. This fund finances the compensation due to the Persons Affected by the Project (PAP) for an amount of US$3.5 million and the operating expenses of the PMU for an amount of US$1.5 million.
The Project will be implemented over a five (05) year period from 2017-2022. The project is scheduled for completion on December 31, 2022. The mid-term evaluation of the project is scheduled for June 2018.
The institutional organization of the PDTE is structured around the following entities:
- The Ministries in charge
a) The Ministry of Finance
The Ministry of Finance, through the Direction de l’Investissement (DI), ensures the financial supervision of the Project. It is responsible for the management of the Designated Account, denominated in CFA Francs, for receiving IDA funds. It also manages the resources of the State Counterpart Fund.
b) The Ministry of Tourism
The Ministry of Tourism chairs the Project Steering Committee (PSC). In addition, it is responsible for the technical supervision of sub-component 1.2 “Strengthening and repositioning of Senegal as a destination”, the delegated project management of sub-component 1.2 “Renovation of the beaches of Saly” and monitoring the progress of component 1.
2. The World Bank (IDA)
The World Bank (IDA) is responsible for managing the loan account, funding the project’s Designated Account and supervising the project.
3. The Steering Committee
The Project Steering Committee (PSC) is responsible for ensuring compliance with the commitments arising from the Financing Agreement and for monitoring the activities that contribute to its implementation. In this capacity, he is responsible for :
- define the strategic orientations of the project;
- approve annual work programs and budgets
- oversee the overall implementation of the project
- Approve financial, progress and audit reports for the project.
PROJECT (Trust agency)
- MT
Other flagship projects:
Integrated Tourism Zones Project