Legal Unit

The legal unit’s missions include:

  1. prepare and monitor the implementation of the Department’s legislative and regulatory agenda;

  2. to centralize all draft texts of a legislative and regulatory nature submitted by the various structures, to ensure their study and to ensure their conformity with the law;

  3. to ensure the quality of the bills and decrees proposed by the department before their transmission to the General Secretariat of the Government;

  4. Ensure the legal watch of the sector and keep the legal archives of the department;

  5. to propose measures to be taken in order to adapt, complete or update the legislation in force in the sector;

  6. to issue relevant opinions and observations on any document of a legal nature submitted to its examination;

  7. prepare periodic activity reports and report regularly to the authorities on the level of achievement of objectives and any difficulties encountered;

  8. Identify and submit to the authorities for consideration training programs to strengthen the capacities of the members of the cell.