• To be a natural or legal person involved in the tourism or hotel sector in Senegal
  • To be approved as a hotel or tourist enterprise by the Minister in charge of Tourism and to have in addition an authorization of opening to exploitation for the existing hotel enterprises
  • Have provided a detailed business plan highlighting:
    – the creation of at least five (5) jobs;
    • a turnover of at least five (5) million CFA francs per year;
    • a rate of return of at least 10%.
  • A bonus will be granted to companies located in areas considered as priorities for tourism development as well as for those who regularly provide statistical information to the Ministry in charge of tourism.


  • Credit limit: 100 million
  • Interest rate: 3.5% including tax
  • Credit period: maximum of 5 years
  • Deferred: maximum 18 months
  • The financing is granted through the BNDE bank
  • Type of financing: medium-term credit for investment and working capital, for project creation and extension.

REQUIRED DOCUMENTS (physical and electronic version)

Executive summary of the project

Description of the project

Background and rationale;

Project objectives;

Presentation of the promoter (and collaborators, associates and partners);

Presentation of the company (date of creation, legal form, achievements, references…) ;

Financing requirement (with details of investment and FoR) ;

Financing plan (Equity & Bank loan vs Investment and FdR) ;

Proposed safeguards;

Progress of the project (physical achievements, steps taken, authorizations obtained, agreements signed).

Technical study of the project

Product features

Presentation of the area (physical, demographic, socio-economic data)

Facilities and installations

Equipment and operating materials

Raw material supplies

Production process

Key team and manpower

Timetable for the realization of the project.

Market research

General market trends and outlook

The request

The offer

The prices

Distribution channels

Competitive positioning

Marketing strategy.

Financial study

Table of investments and renewals

Investment depreciation schedule

Assumptions for revenue generation

Financial flow table (revenues/expenses)

Forecasted operating account

Cash flow statement

Profitability indicators (CAF, NPV, IRR, SR, IP, DRCI)


A request for funding addressed to the Minister in charge of tourism with all contacts (full address, telephone and e-mail contacts);

Statutes of the company (GIE, GPF, Cooperative, SUARL, SARL, SA…) ;

RCCM excerpt;

NINEA Extract;

Notarized declaration of subscription and payment of capital (for SA) ;

Extract from the legal notice newspaper (if applicable) ;

Copy of the principal promoter’s NIC ;

CV of the main sponsor and/or key project team;

Copy of diploma(s) or supporting documents, if applicable ;

Financial Statements :

certified for SAs ;

For the SARL with a turnover of more than 50 million FCFA if necessary by a Center of Agreed Management (CGA);

Pro forma estimates/invoices for construction work and/or equipment to be acquired;

Collateral (real estate or insurance, list of equipment, …) ;

Bank statement ;

Approvals, authorizations or agreements obtained ;

Proof of investments already made for existing companies;

Employee employment contracts for existing businesses;

Social security certificate for existing businesses;

Staff list for jobs to be created.

Other flagship projects:

Integrated Tourism Zones Project

Sectoral Plan for the Development of Micro-Tourism

Tourism and Business Development Project